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The first 12 people embraced Islam

 the people who embrace Islam are : 1) Siti khadijah binti khuwalid : wife of prophet muhammad. 2)Ali bin abi thalib : cousin of prophet muhammad. 3)Abu bakar as siddiq : friends of prophet muhammad. 4)Utsman bin aifan : son in law's of prophet muhammad. 5)Zubair bin awwam : warlord's of prophet muhammad. 6)Abdurrahman bin auf : friends of prophet muhammad.  7)Sa'ad bin abi waqqas : friends of prophet muhammad who spread the teachings to china. 8)Thalhah bin ubaidillah : friends of prophet muhammad. 9)Abu ubaidah bin jarran : friends of prophet muhammad.  10)Arqam bin abil arqam : friends of prophet muhammad. 11)ummu aiman :drink the urine of the Prophet muhammad. 12)Zaid bin haritsah : adopted son of the Messenger of God

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